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    Striving to Defending workers Rights

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    Welcome to Kungwini Amalgamated Workers Union - The Union of choice!


1.1 to promote a spirit of trade union unity and solidarity among members of the union and among workers irrespective of race and gender and oppose any policy, practice or measure whose effect will be to cause division or disunity amongst members or workers;

1.2 to provide professional and legal assistance to members and/or officials where it deems it in the interest of the union to do so;

1.3 to promote the interests of members in relation to employers;

1.4 to improve the wages and working conditions of all workers in all sectors;

1.5 to strike without fear of dismissal, to picket and to participate in secondary strikes and protest action,

1.6 to promote or defend the socio-economic interests of workers;

1.7 to establish and administer funds for the benefits of its members and their dependants;

1.8 to fight against arbitrary and unfair dismissal of workers and to encourage the settlement of disputes between members and employers or employer’s organization by conciliation, mediation and arbitration;

1.9 to resist retrenchment and fight for full employment;

1.10 to enter into collective bargaining forums for the purpose of negotiating and entering into collective agreements with employers and associations of employers.

1.11 to borrow, invest, lend, subscribe or donate money for the furtherance of the objects of the trade union and;

1.12 to do such things as may appear to be in the interest of the trade union and its
members and which are not inconsistent with the objects or any matter specifically provided for in this constitution.