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    Striving to Defending workers Rights

  • 446

    Welcome to Kungwini Amalgamated Workers Union - The Union of choice!



You may want to read Kawu constitution before signing up for membership. Click on the link to read the full KAWU constitution or read the preamble below:

Preamble to the KAWU Constitution:
We, the members of Kungwini Amalgamated Workers Union South Africa, firmly commit ourselves to a united South Africa, free of oppression and economic exploitation.

We believe that this can only be achieved under the leadership of an organised and united working class. Our experience has taught us that to achieve this goal we must:


1. Fight and oppose discrimination in all its forms in the workplace, the factories and in society;

2. Strive for maximum unity amongst organised workers and organise every unorganised worker into our national Union;

3. Ensure that all levels of our Union are democratically structured and controlled by the worker members themselves through elected worker committees;

4. To provide an institutional framework to devise and implement national, sector and workplace strategies to develop and improve the skills of the South African workforce; to integrate those strategies within the National Qualifications Framework contemplated in the South African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995; to provide for learnerships that lead to recognised occupational qualifications; to provide for the financing of skills development by means of a levy-financing scheme and a National Skills Fund; to provide for and regulate employment services; and to provide for matters connected therewith

We call on all Security workers and all other sectors that identify with these principles and aims to join us as comrades in the struggle ahead.